I wake up this morning around 7:30 preparing to get ready for class. Driving across the UWF bridge I see a white BMW 325i swerving about 4 feet off the road. By nature I think...JARED BAKER. I race forward from about 300 feet away to see if I am correct. He gives me the signal to meet before class, I confirm with a militant style hand gesture. Once arriving to school, we park and I hop into this car.
7:55am - 8:10am We talk in his car for about 10 minutes before class. (I leave my keys in his car AND AM NOT AWARE UNTIL 9:50)*
8:10am - 8:30am I walk to class, and arrive sit in my chair, waiting for class to begin.
8:30am - 9:45am Class starts, mr professor is giving our grades aloud based on our last 4 digits of our student ID. I conveniently left my wallet at home. After class I had to step up to the teacher to ask for my grade, I left my wallet at home therefore I did not know my student ID number when he called out the grades accordingly during class time. As i walk out of class i realize I have no keys. Something hits me.*
3 Important Factors
1. No Phone (no communication)
2. No Wallet (no identification)
3. No Keys (no transporation)
9:45am - 10:17am I am walking to the University Commons and on the way I see a Pine tree, and beside it stands tree with no leaves, or color of life. Next, within seconds, a slew of birds land on both trees. The birds where a dark grey/brown mix. They blended in well with the pine cones on the pine tree. On the naked tree with no leaves, the birds appeared as little pine cones, frozen in state. From the Library to the commons I write a diddy in my head about how pine cones and birds are alike in how they fall and fly from trees. VERY COOL. Now I continue along and see a full grown tree that has orange leaves on the left half (from my view), and green leaves on the right half (from my view). This blew my mind! (The whole time walking to the commons I am looking around awestruck at the world around me.)
Right when walking into the commons a girl says from about 6 feet behind me, "what are you looking at?". I turn around and start explaining what I have seen traveling from the Library to the Commons, (which is only about 150 yards!) She then points at her ear and laughs! She is talking in her bluetooth headset. We both laugh pretty heavily and walk off.
This is still in between 9:50 and 10:17am. Once in the Commons I play piano for about 20+ minutes. I transpose a Doors intro of a song into another key. And I am playing better than I ever have before, tempo, creativity, and hand eye coordination (movement). Also creating a new piano piece. Now ready to leave I search my keys, walking all of my steps backwards from the Commons, to class, then to my car. Walking to my car I have a million thoughts at where they could be.... Then I find this....
It says: "Bobby, Keys are in glove box. You left them in my car. IM HIGH!! Peace Out - Jared"
10:17am - 10:34am I am beyond stoked. Now I begin to drive home. Anyone who has been in my car while I drive knows that I am an aggresive driver. While on the way home from school I am patient on 3 different accounts where I wanted to rush past different vehicles. Each of the 3 times I did not drive aggressively, but I drove with patience. It actually worked out nicely and it was a pleasant and enjoyable ride home. Once in my neighborhood, a song comes on the radio station 95.7fm, hosted by K-Love. The song is talking about how earthly things are worthless, and how life truly is beyond the cage we are bound too. I am smiling beyond belief nodding my head in agreement. Once entering Woodbine Springs I begin to pass the neighborhood pond. During this time I notice weather is the best I have seen this year. Two beautiful red cardinals fly ten feet from my window as I am driving. One vivid blue jay flies past as I am approaching the stop sign to my road. Now a row of five gorgeous trees with white buds are lining the road. Red, White, and Blue. Not to mention all of this beauty within a 15 second time frame passing the pond.
CONCLUSION 10:55 My point is, this world is BEAUTIFUL and fading but, what lies beyond this moment, here on earth? No one knows, no one can prove it. But I have lived 22 years of my life. I have experienced many many things. Drugs, parties, sex, alcohol, traveling, music life, sports, vacations. And I have never seen so much worth and joy besides when I was living my life and focusing on what Christ has for me. And reading his word, ON MY OWN, focusing on what he has to tell me, and not the church, or family, friends, and everything else that can lead a man astray. These 3 things (the church, family, and friends) are indeed important and good. But the most important is YOU and THE LORD.
This is my account of March 15, 2010. From 7:55am - 10:34am. I hope this brightens you day almost as much as it has radiated mine. :) I love you all. And pass this to a friend.