Saturday, December 27, 2008

this blog site

I do not know yet what classification it would be under. About myself and my life, or based on my study of the Bible, Christ, and my Christian walk as well. But as of this last week I have had alot of different emotions and feelings running around in my life that I am unfamiliar with. I know how easy it is for a Christian to say, "God is in control of my life and everything will be well and good in the end.", or something of that nature. And this is very true. Even if as a human we try to take control of our own life as if we can change the Lord's plan we will eternally fail. I am not saying this in a negative way. But when it comes down too it we as Christians need to pay Christ the respect he deserves. And I for one know that I could do a better job. When it comes to trying to understand these emotions and feelings I mentioned earlier it is hard to give everything to Christ, but what else can you do?

And on a different note I need to deal with today for it is at hand. And stop thinking about the future so much. I have the future ahead for its very own purpose. I sometimes miss out on the seconds, minutes, and hours of today. The Lord made seconds before minutes and hours because we need to take things slower. Dig it?

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