Tuesday, November 4, 2008

You can't please to aim man and God at the same time.

Two blog posts in one day. I average two a month. But here is some desert for thought (as opposed to food seeing how this is the last for today, ha).

Through this growing process, people ask me to make future decisions, and i cant. People say so many things, and you can't aim to appease their need to know, or here things, or even meet their expectations because as humans we are not perfect. But who is? ... That is correct! God.

As of now I really have no idea what my life holds ahead of me, in any aspect. And I am excited, as well as encouraged, to embark on this great episode of my life, and come out as the man God intended me to be when he created me over 21 years ago.

***edit from last weeks post***

I am no longer "in a relationship" with anyone on any level more than a friend. I had a conversation with a new friend yesterday about a mans role in a relationship. Being the leader, having self control, setting the example. And placing God first. I have never done this in a relationship. And that is my main concern before i even begin to try and contemplate dating anyone at all. Without God at the forefront of everything that i pursue, especially in this area. I am just going to end up making the same mistakes i have before when trying to love someone.


Ali said...

Bobby Shell, you know this already, but I love reading your blogs about the things that God is doing in your life... I love them though, because you are finally becoming the person that I saw God wanting to make you all along. You have a great heart that God can do incredible things with if you stay faithful to Him. I just want to encourage you because I'm SO excited for you!

-Ali :)

Robert Henry IV said...

thanks ali. add me as a friend or something on here and ill do the same. i still dont know how to work this thing.